The Aggtelek National Park Directorate and the Sine Metu Association have been selected for financial support under the Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme for the implementation of the project ‘Preservation and presentation of the architectural and cultural heritage of the Pauline Order in the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst.
From September 1, our cave tours will start according to the autumn opening hours.
From May 1 to August 31, our cave tours leaves according to the summer opening hours.
Opening times during 29th March - 1st April.
From March 13, 2024, tickets for the Vörös-tó tour will once again be exchanged at the Vörös-tó cave ticket office.
In the case of daily tours (Aggtelek Short Tour, Jósvafő Short Tour, Vöröstó Middle Tour), there is a 20% discount on the adult ticket price throughout the month.
In March 15-17 the Vörös-tó tours will be added with a new date.
Our cave tours will not be available on Wednesday, February 28, 2024!
On 21st February Vörös-tó tours are not available.
From 6th November 2023, tickets for the Vörös-tó tour can be exchanged at the Jósvafő cave ticket office!
On Saturday, June 24 - due to the cave concert - the last short tour to Aggtelek starts at 1 p.m.